No Bitbucket repositories found in this workspace error

Issue #813 new
Guy Badman created an issue

I am getting a “No Bitbucket repositories found in this workspace“ error when using the Atlassian extension in VSCode. This used to work in our environment, and the Jira part of the extension is still working.

[2023-02-10 11:07:05:809] Atlassian for VS Code (v3.0.1) activated in 39 ms 
[2023-02-10 11:07:09:138] Error getting URL: https://<company_bitbucket_server>/rest/mirroring/1.0/mirrorServers?limit=100  Error: Request failed with status code 409

If I follow the link above I get the following error:

{"errors":[{"context":null,"message":"Mirroring requires a Bitbucket Data Center license.","exceptionName":"com.atlassian.bitbucket.mirroring.upstream.MirroringDisabledException"}]}

We are using Bitbucket Server as we haven’t migrated yet, but this should still be in support for another year as far as I am aware

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