Panel text colours appear washed out

Issue #88 resolved
Matthew Allwood created an issue

When viewing tickets with panels in VS Code the colours appear washed out

VS Code theme: Default Dark+, VSCode ver 1.33.1, Atlassian ver 1.2.3, Win10

VS Code

Panel code in JIRA:

{panel:title= Description Add some text here to describe the issue

*Issue*: Explain the problem

*Steps to Recreate*: Describe the steps to recreate the issue

*Expected Results*: Describe the expected results here

*Actual Results*: what actually happened when following the steps

*Additional Info*: Add screen shots, log files etc. 


Comments (6)

  1. Umair Ashraf

    The text inside <pre> or <code> tag in comments has black text along with dark grey background colour which is impossible to read with the dark theme.

    Steps to reproduce: Put a text inside <pre> or <code> tag in Jira issue comment and see it in VSCode with this extension.

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