Cannot see any of my repositories on BB

Issue #92 resolved
Mladen Mihajlovic created an issue

I authenticate fine, but the extension sees none of my repos. Also when I restart I have to re-authenticate. I’m only using BB and not Jira.

I’ve attached a console.log from VSCode devtools.

Comments (3)

  1. Denis Kazimirov

    Did you try to open your project locally at first? Everything loaded up when I opened It in editor first.

  2. Ferran Maylinch

    Yes, thank you! I saw that I needed to open the project, and that I just see the PRs of that project.

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    There was an authentication related issue that might have caused that.

    @mmihajlovic Version 1.4.0 of the extension fixes the issue. Please update and re-open if you still see it happening.(Note that you need to update to VS Code 1.34 to use this version)

    Resolving for now..

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