Features deprecated in Express 4

Issue #11 resolved
Andrew Levine created an issue


When using this package with Express 4, several deprecation warnings are logged by express.


express deprecated req.param(name): Use req.params, req.body, or req.query instead node_modules/atlassian-connect-express-hipchat/index.js:198:27


express deprecated res.send(status): Use res.sendStatus(status) instead node_modules/atlassian-connect-express-hipchat/index.js:186:21


express deprecated res.send(status, body): Use res.status(status).send(body) instead node_modules/atlassian-connect-express-hipchat/index.js:252:17

Everything still works (and the warnings can be disabled with an env var), but I figured I'd log it now in case people came googling later.

I know it mentions in the README that this is an "exploratory" project - is this something y'all are interested in fixing? Wouldn't mind collaborating, but I'd need to know whether the team prefers a backwards-compat fix, or a version bump + 4.x support only.

Comments (5)

  1. Rich Manalang Account Deactivated

    Thanks for the heads up, Andrew. I need to get this up to date for Express 4... long over due.

  2. Rich Manalang Account Deactivated

    BTW, I'm happy to pull in PRs for 4.x support without backward compat. We can just bump to a new major version then update the atlas-connect template to use the new one. Old versions should still work.

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