Outdated period is not configurable

Issue #3 resolved
mjensenbitbucket-bot created an issue

The 6 month period where a page is considered out of date is hard coded to 6 months. There should be an option in the space configuration to set this to what ever time period the administrator feels is appropriate.

Comments (4)

  1. Janick Brischle


    I made that happen on my pc, i can now configure the months to what ever i want.

    How can i put this to your code?

    I didnt have used git/sourcetree before, if i have to use this to make that happen, is there a good/fast tutorial?

  2. mjensenbitbucket-bot reporter

    Hello Janick!

    First you need to "fork" the repository. This basically gives you a copy of the entire repo to do what you like with. Read here: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/forking-workflow

    After making the changes in this fork you can create a Pull Request, which is request to merge your changes back in to this repository with your changes. Then we take a look, and merge them in here (if they work :)). Read about PRs here: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/making-a-pull-request.

    I look forward to seeing your PR for this!

    Cheers Matt

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