Contributors to this script are not specified: how to recognize and thank them?

Issue #19 resolved
Former user created an issue

Finding this script has saved us ton of work after two attempts to build something ourselves. When using freeware, GNU or CC licenses it is a good custom to thank the contributors on your website, but who can I thank for this piece of miracle?

Comments (2)

  1. Dario B

    The contributors are changing from time to time but, if I am not wrong, in the past 2 or 3 years it has been only me updating the scripts.

    I never thought to add my name anywhere since I just modified some pre-existing scripts to make them work in the new infrastructure. On the other hand, I am doing this in my spare time and knowing that someone may find them useful to the point they feel the need to thank me is the best feedback I can get :)

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