"Client must be authenticated to access this resource.","status-code":401

Issue #20 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi all, I configured a task with powershell and it worked correctly on Friday.

I tried relaunching it today but I have the following error. "Client must be authenticated to access this resource.","status-code":401

Can you help me?

Thanks Daniele

Comments (6)

  1. Suresh Bhandiwad


    Please fix this asap, script was running all fine till yesterday. However, cookie isn't authenticating with the username and password anymore.

    Thanks, Suresh

  2. Kota Sreenivasa Shravana Kumar Account Deactivated


    It was working until yesterday. Something got changed and we are also facing the same issue.

    Can someone please help with this issue?

  3. Dario B


    I am not sure if anyone is still maintaining the powershell script, but if it was working last Friday then it must be because that script is still using cookie authentication that has been deprecated some time ago and it is being currently removed:

    Knowing a bit of powershell you should be able to modify the script so that it uses API Tokens (look at the latest bash scripts for Jira and Conf as an example).

    Finally, I have asked a colleague if he can have a look at this script, as well as we will work to create a new unified backup script in python so that it can be run from every OS.

  4. Kota Sreenivasa Shravana Kumar Account Deactivated

    Thanks. Appreciate the quick response. I have used the following script and it is working fine. backup-jira-api-token.sh

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