Confluence powershell script may trip into endless loop

Issue #30 resolved
Stephen Sifers created an issue

The Confluence script may set into a false endless loop that checks on export status.

This will be presented by a constant “Estimated progress : 0%”

Comments (11)


    Is there a workaround for this issue? The confluence powershell backup keeping looping with “Estimated progress: 0%”

  2. Stephen Sifers reporter

    Currently, the workaround is to close the script and run it again (this is not ideal but it does allow it to progress past the 0% loop).

    There is a Community member who created an updated version of the scripts and was able to resolve some of the issues, like this one.
    You may find those update scripts at

    Stephen Sifers

  3. Joseph DeJuliis Account Deactivated

    I had the same issues as stated above re “Estimated progress : 0%” I tried the updated Powershell script in the above link but now getting this error:

    Exception calling "Add" with "2" argument(s): "The 'Content-Type' header must be modified using the appropriate
    property or method.
    Parameter name: name"
    At C:\Installs\Atlassian\Jira Cloud Backup\scripts\dev\backup-atlassian-cloud-with-function.ps1:92 char:9
    +         $Request.Headers.Add($_, $Headers[$_])
    +         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ArgumentException
    XSRF check failed
    At C:\Installs\Atlassian\Jira Cloud Backup\scripts\dev\backup-atlassian-cloud-with-function.ps1:109 char:9
    +         Throw $ErrorStream
    +         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (XSRF check failed:String) [], RuntimeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : XSRF check failed

    Any ideas on how to resolve will greatly appreciated



  4. Dario B


    I have updated the description to add some alternate solutions. In there you can find user provided powershell scripts as well as a node.js app or instructions on how to setup an automation to create backups.

    Since those are all valid alternatives, I am not going to fix this.

    Please notice none of the listed solutions is officially supported.

    Cheers, Dario

  5. viktor.pfafenrot

    Hi all,

    The problem is still exist, is there a solution for the "Estimated progress" problem in the meantime?

  6. Richard Santos

    This issue should be fixed now, please update the script you are using and let me know if the issue still persists for you.

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