Confluence Backup Authentication Errors

Issue #360 closed
Marcel Sommer created an issue

Hello everyone,

I´d like to automate the backup of our Confluence Cloud instance. I saw a thread at Atlassian Community where a script was recommended. I followed the steps mentioned there, created an API-Token, added all relevant information, made sure my firewall is open but I always receive an error response and I dont really understand where I failed to set it up correctly.
I wanted to use the script on a linux VM on a cron job.

I would appreciate if you could help me in this case.
Looking forward to hear from you.

Best wishes

Comments (5)

  1. Marcel Sommer reporter

    Hello Dario,

    I already fixed it.

    I am sorry I forgot to close the issue.

    The problem was that in the PowerShell version of the script the $account variable wasnt correctly. I filled it in like it was mentioned in the example. But apperently you dont have to use, you have to use ‘whateverproceeds’ to make it work. I found out that on a certain point in the script the variable was modified again into something like and thats why it didnt work.

    Anyways thank you for your reply and have a great week :)

    Best wishes


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