Scripts fail with "Basic authentication with passwords is deprecated."

Issue #39 resolved
Rudolf Byker created an issue

I created an API key at and used it in the python and bash scripts, along with my e-mail address, and both fail with the message "Basic authentication with passwords is deprecated."

Comments (6)

  1. Bram Account Deactivated

    The bash scripts use the “old” REST API which used to work with basic authentication, but now only works with a logged in session. As far as I can tell, /rest/backup/ is not accessible with API tokens. Basically, we’re screwed.

  2. Dario B
    • changed status to open

    @Rudolf Byker :

    As written in the script itself (e.g. you need to provide an API TOKEN (the one mentioned in your second comment).

    The API Key instead is used to authenticate the ORGANIZATION, USER MANAGEMENT and USER PROVISIONING REST API endpoints. For details see:

    Bram: I am not sure where you got this information but it is wrong. I have actually wrote these script explicitly to be used with API Tokens (as mentioned in the scripts themselves. Have you read the code in there?)

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