Getting timeout while downloading Jira cloud backup file

Issue #40 invalid
Ali Türkkan created an issue


We want to take backups of our Jira Cloud application regularly and save them on our local server. We opened a new windows server for this process. This server does not have internet access. However, we have granted access to some addresses so that the server can access Jira.

We started the backup using the script here. Backup process completed successfully. However, after a while, the download of the received backup fell into timeout. The timeout command is as follows;

Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Headers $header -WebSession $session -Uri $BackupURI -OutFile (Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath "JIRA-backup-$")

NOTE: After the size of the downloaded backup file is approximately 70Mb-90Mb, we get a timeout error.

We tried the same process on a different computer with internet connection and it successfully downloaded the backup file. When we reported this situation to the server and network team, they said that there was no timeout rule. However, they have an opinion. They say that one of the addresses it followed while downloading the file may have been missing in the network rules. Can you assist with this? Which addresses need to be allowed when downloading the Jira Cloud backup file? Or maybe there is a different reason why we get a timeout error?

Best Regards,
Ali Türkkan.

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