Download Shared Artefact in Build Job that is triggered by Deployment is not the one from Created Release

Issue #8 new
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If I want to access the shared artefact inside a Build Job that get's triggered by a deployment job, I can add a Artifact downlaod task, but this is not the same that was used in Create Release and Deployment Job.

Use Case: - Build Job with multi-branches enabled - Create Release of specific branch - Trigger Release Post-Work throug Deplyoment on a Enviroment called ie. "Release Afterwork" - Deployment "Release Afterwork" makes some checks - Build-Job is triggered after the deployment - Inside the BuildJob Release info is generated plus tagging in git etc.

Problem is, that we need to access details of the Artifact that was used inside "Create Release". We always receive the Artifact that was generated through main branch, in this example the develop branch and not the latest from master.

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