Continuous Plugin Deployment Plugin doesn't confirm result of plugin deployment

Issue #45 new
Tim Cinel created an issue

I have found that the Continuous Plugin Deployment plugin's 'Deploy Plugin' task doesn't check the status of a plugin after uploading to confirm that the installation was successful. So the upload may have broken the plugin and the task will return as successful.

As far as I can tell, UPM has endpoints available to check plugin status, should this Continuous Deployment Plugin be checking them?

Comments (2)

  1. Joe Clark

    Hey Tim. Thanks for reporting this. As far as I can recall, I did write some code in the task to wait for the UPM to report that the installation was successful, but maybe it's not working properly.

    Do you have a specific example of this happening? It would be great if I could see the task execution where this happened with the "dump all http traffic to build log" option enabled.

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