Missing bitbucket linky options in context menu

Issue #109 resolved
Karim Beyrouti created an issue

Looks like these options are missing from the plugin in WebStorm:

  • copy Bitbucket link
  • open in bitbiBitbucket
  • Bitbucket pull request

(see attached screenshot - Screenshot_2020-11-30_at_17_51_58.png in previous version) 😞

They are not showing up in the latest version of the plugin / webstorm when you right click in a file.

Comments (9)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hello @Karim Beyrouti ,

    This means that either the file is not under VCS (e.g. ignored), or Linky didn’t figure that the repository is hosted on Bitbucket. Can you give a little bit more details? Is that repository hosted on Bitbucket Cloud or Bitbucket Server? What is the format of the remote URL?


  2. Karim Beyrouti reporter

    Hello Daniil, thank you for your reply.

    The file in question definitely under version control and not ignored,
    our (stash / bitbucket) repo is hosted on our company network (I presume server possibly cloud).

    The format of the remote URL https://stash.FOO.BAR/projects/UX/repos/NAME-OF-REPO/browse/path/to/file/filename.js
    Which worked in the previous version / broke in the latest one.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you fix this.
    This is one of my favourite addons, again thank you so much for the work on it.

  3. Daniil Penkin staff

    Thanks for your kind words, I’m happy Linky is improving your workflow (when it doesn’t break 😛).

    There’s something you can do to help with the investigation – could you please collect some debug logging?

    • Go to Help -> Configure Debug Log Settings
    • In the dialog that will appear type BitbucketLinky and click OK
    • Reopen the affected project (where Bitbucket Linky doesn't work correctly) or simply restart your IDE
    • Reproduce the bug (try opening context menu on a file that should have the actions)
    • Go to Help -> Show Log in Finder (Help -> Show Log in Explorer on Windows)
    • Attach revealed idea.log to the bug ticket you create

    If you’re concerned about the privacy aspect, you can shoot that file to me directly to dpenkin(at)atlassian.com rather than sharing here. You can also PGP-encrypt it if you’d like, here’s my key.

    Thank you in advance for your help!



  4. Karim Beyrouti reporter

    interesting, I do not see this option:

    "Go to Help -> Configure Debug Log Settings"

    Please let me know where to look as I might most certainly be missing something.?


  5. Daniil Penkin staff

    Thanks for sending the file @Karim Beyrouti ,

    So from the log I can see you’re trying to use Linky 7.5 (which is pretty old and has some incompatibilities with modern IntelliJ IDEs) with IntelliJ 2020.3. The problem is that I haven’t released a version for 2020.3 yet, while recent Linky versions are constrained to the exact IntelliJ version.

    So what you need is in fact a fix for #105/#111/#112. I hope to get my hands on this by the end of this week.


  6. Peter Gannushkin

    @Daniil Penkin , out of curiosity, why are the recent Linky versions constrained to the exact IntelliJ versions?

    PS Thanks for the plugin, it is super helpful for code reviews.

  7. Daniil Penkin staff

    why are the recent Linky versions constrained to the exact IntelliJ versions?

    There were some binary incompatibilities between major versions, so the easiest option for me was to constraint Linky to the major version and release another one when the next major version comes out.

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