ability to set rest port or url

Issue #12 resolved
Former user created an issue

for systems where rest is on a different port than repo URI, would be easiest maybe to let user set port explicitly. Discovery can't always guess it.

Comments (7)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hi :)

    Yep, that's in fact on my list. Linky preferences screen is half-ready now, and it'll likely include this option in the near future.

  2. Ilya Vassilevsky

    Would also love to see this option.

    Our company BBS is set up in such a way that git URL and web URL are very different:

    • Web: https://stash.example.com/projects/FOO/repos/foo/browse
    • Git: ssh://git@git.example.com/foo/foo.git

    So the plugin simply does nothing for me at the moment.

  3. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hi @vassilevsky,

    Thanks for trying Linky :) I'm sorry it doesn't work in your case due to specific BBS configuration.

    As a temporary work around, you can register another git remote pointing to HTTPS git endpoint in BBS, if that is allowed in your BBS. It shouldn't be your primary upstream: Linky checks all remotes until it finds BBS. So you can continue using your current git remote(s) as usual (i.e. use it for tracking remote branches). The command will be similar to the following:

    git remote add http-for-linky http://git@example.com:7999/scm/foo/foo.git

    http-for-linky is an arbitrary remote name, and the URL depends on your actual BBS configuration.

    Unfortunately I can't say I worked much on the plugin and this issue in particular since September cause I simply didn't have time for that. But I look forward to actually finishing and shipping preferences screen in a month or two.

    Thank you.

    Best regards, Daniil

  4. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hello @vassilevsky,

    I've just released Bitbucket Linky 3.0 which allows you to manually configure a link when Bitbucket hasn't been discovered automatically. This won't require setting additional remote URLs in the repository.

    To do that, navigate to Bitbucket Linky preferences pane and specify Bitbucket URL for repositories that are not linked. Once you link one repository, all other repositories from the same Bitbucket instance will be rediscovered automatically.

    As an example, I've linked a repository that uses SSH alias in the Git remote URL and hence could not be automatically discovered by Linky: it doesn't read SSH configuration file so can't resolve bitbucket-private host because it doesn't exist.

    Bitbucket Linky Preferences - link 1.png

    So in the configuration pane I set hosting type to Cloud (because the project is hosted on Bitbucket Cloud) and enter correct base URL: https://bitbucket.org. In the field below Linky will build the URL for the selected repository to help me check that the setup is correct, I can also double check the link using the button.

    Bitbucket Linky Preferences - link 2.png

    All looks good, so I hit Apply, and the repository becomes linked. Now I can configure some properties available only for linked repositories. Currently, there's only one — default target PR branch, but soon there will be more.

    Bitbucket Linky Preferences - configure.png

    Thanks for your patience.

    Cheers, Daniil

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