Linky does not work in my IntelliJ

Issue #134 resolved
Lubos Magda created an issue

Linky 2021.3.195 is installed and enabled in my IntelliJ on Mac.

The only thing in logs related to Linky I can see is:

2022-01-11 18:55:47,986 [ 194949]   INFO - lij.diagnostic.DebugLogManager - Set TRACE for the following categories: BitbucketLinky 
2022-01-11 18:56:16,118 [   3466]   INFO - lij.diagnostic.DebugLogManager - Set TRACE for the following categories: BitbucketLinky 

Preferences look like this:

My project is on Bitbucket Cloud.

I’ve tried deleting bitbucket-linky.xml from ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea2019.2/options with no effect.

Comments (6)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hello @Lubos Magda ,

    It seems that Linky can’t recognise Git remote URL of your repository, specifically it doesn’t seem to match the expected pattern. Can you please run the following command in the terminal in the root of your project, and post the output here?

    git remote -v

    This will help with the investigation.


  2. Lubos Magda reporter

    Hi @Daniil Penkin

    git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)

    It seems like it has to do with IntelliJ config itself (but I was not able to figure out what is wrong).

    I work with the git repo on daily basis via command line and using IntelliJ git client without any issues.

  3. Rastko Soskic

    Hi, in my case Bitbucket linky plugin does not work with repo cloned over ssh.
    This is issue I found while searching for someone else facing similar issue.
    When I switched to https cloned repo it started working again.

    @Lubos Magda you can try switching to https cloned repo. If it solves your issue
    then perhaps @Daniil Penkin could suggest if we should open another issue if linky is not working or supposed to work
    with ssh repos.

  4. Lubos Magda reporter

    @Rastko Soskic you’re absolutely right, now it looks much better:

    Thank you so much, mate! It works again!

    @Daniil Penkin seems like an issue with ssh repos as @Rastko Soskic kindly pointed out.

  5. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hey @Lubos Magda @Rastko Soskic ,

    Sorry for the long delay.

    So the problem I found is not with SSH URLs as such (Linky normally them picks up just fine), but with the case when Bitbucket workspace ID consists of only digits. In this case it is parsed as port rather than path element.

    This particular repo you referenced should’ve worked correctly though – can you confirm @Lubos Magda ?

    git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)

    Btw, you don’t need to switch to cloning over HTTPS, it is enough to just add a secondary remote URL, something like

    git remote add linky-remote https://...

    It won’t affect your day to day work with Git, but Linky would find it provided that it didn’t recognize the SSH variant.

    But anyways, I’m going to fix the issue with numerical workspace identifiers in the upcoming release.


  6. Daniil Penkin staff

    Linky 2021.3.196 handles numeric workspace identifiers properly. Please let me know if there's another issue with SSH remote URLs you're facing.


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