how to open pull requests?

Issue #139 resolved
Manuel Zavatta created an issue

hi, can you tell me please how can I open a pull request from a new branch in ide?

Comments (3)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hello @Manuel Zavatta ,

    This plugin doesn’t have in-IDE pull request creation, but it provides a quick way to open Create PR page in Bitbucket in your browser with the current branch preselected as the source branch (that is, it opens a static URL essentially). This action is available in the context menu for any editor or file in the repository.

    If you’re looking specifically after in-IDE experience around PRs (create, review, manage), I’d recommend you to check out another plugin on the marketplace – Bitbucket Pull Requests. It is paid but does the job really well.

    Hope this helps.


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