Feature: Open Bitbucket Links in IntelliJ

Issue #142 new
Former user created an issue

This plugin is great! While it sounds like a small thing, I really appreciate being able to copy/open the Bitbucket link from within IntelliJ. The feature I would like to see is a way to paste a Bitbucket link into IntelliJ and have it open the file.

For example, while reading a comment from Jira, someone might include a link to a file in Bitbucket, such as: https://bitbucket.org/atlassianlabs/intellij-bitbucket-references-plugin/src/master/src/main/kotlin/com/atlassian/bitbucket/linky/clipboard/TransferableLink.kt

I would like to be able to copy that link from the Jira ticket (or other website), go to IntelliJ, open a tool (perhaps using a hotkey), and paste the link. This action would open the file (<project root>/src/main/kotlin/com/atlassian/bitbucket/linky/clipboard/TransferableLink.kt) in IntelliJ.

Thanks for the consideration!

Comments (1)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff


    Thanks for suggesting this feature!

    As a temporary workaround, in case you’re using Bitbucket Cloud and JetBrains Toolbox app locally, you might find the Toolbox browser extension handy (Chrome, Firefox). It adds button(s) to open a file in the IDE straight to Bitbucket UI. Toolbox does the magic of finding the right project and opening its window:


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