Open from Version Control

Issue #21 resolved
zored created an issue

Could you add support of "Open in Bitbucket..." inside of Version Control file window? It just adds "?at" with current revision number into URL. Currently "Open in Bitbucket..." doesn't work in Version Control windows.

Comments (7)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hello @zoredd,

    Thank you for using Linky and reaching out :)

    Let's make sure we're on the same page. I guess you mean the tool window, not the pop up dialog, right? If my assumption is correct, what mode of that tool window do you mean? For instance, it can show local changes, commit log, history for a specific file, and might be even more stuff.

    Technically, I believe it's possible to add Linky actions to all of them, – and eventually I'll do that, – but since they're likely implemented in different components, I'd start with what you actually need first. So hence is my question: what is the workflow you want to improve by adding "Open in Bitbucket..." and maybe other actions? Screenshots might be useful.


    Cheers, Daniil

  2. zored reporter

    Hi! Thanks for fast response 😃

    I open Version Control log and then choose commit. Inside of it I choose file and there (in tool window?) I look at the changes between two Git hashes. So it would be perfect to go from there directly to Stash. That would help me with sharing history between me and co-workers. I will send you screenshot tomorrow if you need.

    Thanks a lot, your plugin is great. :+1:

  3. Daniil Penkin staff

    I'm glad you like it :)

    I look at the changes between two Git hashes.

    So here's what I think you mean – please correct me if I got it wrong:

    VCS tool window

    VCS Tool Window.png

    Diff window

    Diff Window.png

    Did you mean the diff window? E.g. link to a certain line of a file on either side, link to the commit which contains the shown diff.

    • Linky actions also make sense in context menus on steps 2 and 3 I think.
    • Diff window has annotate action which blames each of the files shown – context menu on the gutter also might have Linky actions.

    Let me know which of these would be most useful.

    Cheers, Daniil

  4. zored reporter

    Yes, that's right! I meant Diff Window, but 2 and 3 look great for this command too. Thanks a lot 😃

  5. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hello @zoredd,

    I've just released Bitbucket Linky 3.4 which adds actions to the all places we discussed above:

    • VCS log context menu VCS log.png
    • changes list viewer context menu Change list viewer.png
    • diff view editor context menu — supports lines selection and multiple lines selection, just like in a normal editor Diff view editor.png
    • diff view gutter context menu Diff view gutter.png

    Thanks again for raising the issue. Hope this makes your workflow easier :)

    Cheers, Daniil

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