Create Pull Request from Version Control / Local Changes

Issue #28 resolved
Viacheslav Makarov created an issue


Just started using Linky. Having a hotkey for creating pull-requests helps a lot! Unfortunately, the "Bitbucket Pull-request" action doesn't work in Version Control tool window on the Local Changes tab.

My current workflow is: after finishing some work switch focus to Version Control / Local Changes tool with a hotkey, Cmd+D to review changes, Cmd+K & Cmd+Shift+K to commit changes and push to remote and then Cmd+Shift+X, P to create pull-request. The trouble is that I need to switch back to editor to use Cmd+Shift+X, P - it doesn't work in Version Control tool.

I'm not sure if I missing some option. Could you implement support for "Bitbucket Pull-request" action inside Version Control tool window on the Local Changes tab?

Comments (5)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hello @mekarthedev,

    I'm sorry for a really delayed response. Over the last month I've been working hard on a project that had been incubating for 9 months before that :) So I hardly had time to get to reviewing Bitbucket Linky issues. Hopefully from now on I will be able to carve out more and more time for that.

    I'm glad that you find create PR action useful. Yeah, making it available in the VCS tool window makes sense: it wasn't intentional that I didn't do that. This should be relatively easy, so I'll do that in the next release.

    Thanks for reporting!

    Cheers, Daniil

  2. Daniil Penkin staff

    Resolved in 3.5. If the project has only one Bitbucket repository, Create Pull Request action appears in the context menu of VCS Tool window.

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