SSH Key Support for IntelliJ

Issue #55 invalid
Md Kamaruzzaman created an issue

I am using Bitbucket Linky 5.2 with IntelliJ. Currently, there is no way to use SSH private keys with the Remote Repository/Linky Settings.

Either need to set the Private SSH key in the Git .ssh directory (which is not practical If I need to use Several Certificate for several Repositires) or Use HTTPS with Username/Password.

It would be better if you can support this feature like the SVN as shown in the attachment.

Comments (3)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hello @Kamaruzzaman,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    To be honest, I didn't get exactly what you've described. Linky doesn't authenticate against Bitbucket for most of the actions. Only "Find related Pull Requests" action requires authentication, but it uses OAuth exclusively, not basic auth.

    So I believe your problem is that Linky doesn't discover your Bitbucket automatically. It does that by looking at your Git/Hg remote URL, be it HTTPS or SSH, tries to guess the actual URL of the remote hosting and then makes a request to the known unauthenticated REST API endpoint to ensure it is Bitbucket and not some other hosting.

    In case you use SSH aliases, Linky can't figure out the actual base URL automatically, but you always have the option to register it automatically. For instance, if you have local repository hosted on Bitbucket with remote URL that looks like git@bitbucket-private:detouched/docker-koken.git, Linky will try to ping https://bitbucket-private which doesn't make sense. To make it work, open Linky preferences in that project and point Linky to the actual location of the repo, in my case it is

    Link Bitbucket.gif

    After you do this, Linky will know that bitbucket-private stands for and will be able to generate links in this project or any other project which uses same alias.

    Sorry if my assumption about the issue you faced was incorrect, please elaborate it a bit more in that case.

    Cheers, Daniil

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