Alternative type for parallel step definition

Issue #589 resolved
Florian Kreibaum created an issue

The schema file at src/main/resources/schemas/bitbucket-pipelines.schema.json specifies The content type of the parallel step as an array of steps:

- parallel:
    - step:
        name: First test
          - ...
    - step:
        name: Second test
          - ...

While this works, the documentation states that the steps should be located under a steps key (probably to accommodate the fail-fast key, see

- parallel:
      - step:
          name: First test
            - ...
      - step:
          name: Second test
            - ...

Because of this, pipelines using the key are considered invalid when validated against the schema above. Please consider adding this as an option or replacing the old schema.

Comments (3)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Thanks for raising this, it has been fixed in one of the recent releases. Both styles are supported now.

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