Line number not included in link

Issue #6 resolved
Mikhail Dobrinin created an issue

After the 2.0 or 2.1 update, the line number is no longer included when opening a link on a Windows platform. I believe it used to work before, that it appended a #32 to the end of the URL to mark line 32. This is specifically running against Stash (Bitbucket Server) 3.9.2, but I'm guessing it's the same across other varieties.

Comments (5)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hi @mdobrinin,

    I believe you're reporting what I meant to be a feature :) You're right, I've slightly changed the algorithm. Linky will append the line number if the selection is effectively not empty. I had in mind that sometimes it's useful to create a link to the file without any selected lines.

    On the other hand, this indeed seems confusing, so maybe I'll revert this and think about another way to get the link without specific line numbers.

    Thank you!

  2. Mikhail Dobrinin reporter

    I see what you mean. If I select some text then it does include it again. In my opinion it is least confusing when it:

    • includes the line when right clicking on any line in the editor, regardless of if there is a selection.
    • doesn't include the line if right clicking the file in the editor tab.

    Just my two cents. Selecting some text works for me too now that I know that's how it works.

  3. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hi @mdobrinin,

    I'm glad to inform you that I've reverted the described behaviour to the original state and released version 2.2.

    Sorry it took so long: I hoped I will include this fix into a big update I plan to ship, however, it's taking much more time than I thought it would. So, I've released 2.2 with only the fix of this issue.

    Thank you for your patience.

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