Doesn't work with latest version

Issue #60 resolved
Rok Slebinger created an issue

WIth latest version most of the things are broken -> copy commit URL - wrong hash as it can not be found in repository -> open commit URL -> again wrong hash as it can not be found in repository

In annotate view of the file:

-> copy commit URL -> opens bitbucket dashboard, as url is totally wrong -> open commit URL -> opens bitbucket dashboard as url is totally wrong

Comments (5)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    HI @slebingerrok,

    Yeah, I found the very same bug just today, what a coincidence. I'm really sorry, this was actually caused by a very silly typo back in mid December (in version 6.0). Commit URL for Bitbucket Cloud is broken, so yeah copy and open commit link actions are broken.

    I already nailed this bug down in the source — next version will contain a fix. I plan to release it right after the weekend. Meanwhile downgrading to 5.2 can be a temporary solution if this is critical to your workflow (direct download link).

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Cheers, Daniil

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