Change Bitbucket Server URL for Project?

Issue #66 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Seems to be impossible.

Comments (3)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff


    Thanks for reaching out!

    Yes, there's currently no way to edit the URL once it is set. Long story short, I simply didn't focus on this in favour of other functionality.

    However, although there's no UI for this, you can still change the URL manually, here's a step-by-step guide:

    • Close the IDE. Otherwise the settings you change might be overridden with the old values when the IDE gets focus back or when it quits.
    • Navigate to $IDE_SETTINGS/<ide_with_version>/options/ (check this page to find out where it is located in your environment), in my case it's /Users/dpenkin/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea2018.3/options/.
    • Linky stores its settings in a file bitbucket-linky.xml. It is a standard XML file. If your goal is to change a misconfigured URL, you can just find it in the file and edit it in place.
    • Once you edited and saved the file, you can reopen your IDE. Linky will now point to the correct location.

    Make sure you shut down the IDE while editing the settings file: otherwise any changes might be reverted because IDE keeps the settings in-memory and dumps them into that file from time to time.

    There's an issue for implementing some way to reset/edit manually configured URLs, so I'll close this issue as a duplicate.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you face any issues editing the file.

    Cheers, Daniil

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