Plugin doesn't show any configuration settings

Issue #77 invalid
Jessica Lewis created an issue

I installed the Bitbucket references plugin and navigated to its settings and there are no options to do anything.

Comments (11)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hi Jessica,

    Do you mean that settings screen doesn’t load properly?

    In most cases, Linky doesn’t need any configuration, it picks everything up from your repository configuration. So for repos hosted on Bitbucket Cloud or Bitbucket Server you should see some additional context menu items in different places of the IDE. However, if you’re using something like SSH aliases, Linky might not be able to figure out where’s the repository actually hosted, and in that case you’d need to manually let it know that.


  2. Paweł Rymaszewski

    In general, with newest IntelliJ 2019.3 EAP it doesn’t work at all. Settings in plugin menu are not loading, no shortcut is working (example - crate PR shortcut).

  3. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hi @Paweł Rymaszewski ,

    Just tried 2019.3 EAP and didn’t have any issues with the plugin. Can you check if there’re any errors in the log (here’s a guide on how to get it)?

  4. Paweł Rymaszewski

    @Daniil Penkin

    2019-10-25 14:24:08,510 [106048911]  ERROR - options.ex.ConfigurableWrapper - Can't instantiate configurable for Bitbucket Linky
    java.lang.Throwable: Can't instantiate configurable for Bitbucket Linky
    2019-10-25 14:24:08,609 [106049010]  ERROR - openapi.options.ConfigurableEP - @NotNull method org/zmlx/hg4idea/util/HgUtil.getRepositoryManager must not return null
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: @NotNull method org/zmlx/hg4idea/util/HgUtil.getRepositoryManager must not return null

  5. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hm , IntelliJ is violating its own contract on the API method 😞

    Thanks for providing the log, it is helpful! I’ll add a check as a workaround.

  6. Daniil Penkin staff

    @Paweł Rymaszewski , do you have any Mercurial repositories that you work on? If you only use Git, you can “fix” the problem by disabling Hg support (it is a built-in IntelliJ plugin called hg4idea). Linky won’t call HgUtil in that case 🙂

  7. Daniil Penkin staff

    Oh, I reproduced your problem, awesome! So it seems that the way plugins are enabled/disabled has changed. I need to change the code that checks if Mercurial/Git are available. 2019.2 works fine, 2019.3 is broken in a way you described with the same error.

    So to “fix” you actually need to enable Mercurial plugin for now. I’m going to make a proper fix and release a version next week.

    Thanks again for reporting and the providing the feedback!

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