High CPU usage on 2019.2

Issue #78 resolved
Imre L created an issue

High CPU usage on 2019.2 some time after IDE startup

Activity monitor shows:

 %CPU  Subsystem

 91.7  <infrastructure: bitbucket-linky-http-client->
  7.4  <JIT compiler>
  5.9  <Garbage collection>
  3.5  <infrastructure: JavaFX Application Thread>
  2.2  <Activity Monitor>
  1.0  <unidentified: UI thread>
  0.8  <unidentified: InvokeLaterDispatcher>
  0.5  <infrastructure: AWT-XAWT>

Happens with project connected to my private github porject over ssh.

Also found similar issue:


Comments (3)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hi @Imre L ,

    Thanks for reporting and for pointing to JB issue. Will look into this and try to resolve ASAP.


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