All context menu items are gone in WebStorm 2019.3

Issue #81 closed
Vasyl Boroviak created an issue
  1. Open any project with git repo on Bitbucket.
  2. Open any source code file.
  3. Right click the source code editor

Expected: Bitbucket Linky menu items.
Problem: They are gone after I updated WebStorm to 2019.3

WebStorm 2019.3
Build #WS-193.5233.80, built on November 25, 2019
Runtime version: 11.0.4+10-b520.11 x86_64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.15.1
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1981M
Cores: 8
Registry: search.everywhere.settings=true
Non-Bundled Plugins: FrameSwitcher, Key Promoter X, com.atlassian.bitbucket.references, com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql, com.wix.eslint, gr.jchrist.gitextender, ideanginx9, zielu.gittoolbox

Comments (10)

  1. Daniil Penkin staff

    Hello @Vasyl Boroviak ,

    Thanks for reporting on the issue.

    This is a known bug, I’m actually working on a fix which turned into quite a big refactoring. As a workaround you can enable both Mercurial and Git plugins in your WS instance (both are bundled but my guess is you have just one of them enabled).


  2. Vasyl Boroviak reporter

    I doubt they have my favourite menu item in there - “Create Bitbucket pull request”. 🙂

    Thanks for looking at that.

  3. Daniil Penkin staff

    They don’t, but that fixes Linky, which provides that action.

    Long story short, plugin system has changed a bit in 2019.3. Due to poor Linky design specifically around this bit its check for other plugins availability is now broken. If Git or Mercurial are not available, Linky fails with an exception every time it tries to figure out the relevant Bitbucket repository. That’s why enabling them is a work around.

  4. Daniil Penkin staff

    No worries, thanks for confirming the work around.

    I’m working hard on an update for Linky which will include a fix for this issue. I look forward releasing that update early next week.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.


  5. Daniil Penkin staff

    Yep, I recently started looking at integrating with Pipelines, YAML is the first step. There’s more than just that icon. Pipelines config file also got auto-completion, navigation and some validation.

    There’ll be more in the future releases 🙂

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