
Issue #6 new
Frédéric Cilia created an issue

Why users need permission "View Watchers & Voters" instead of "Browse Projects" to see threaded comments ?

Comments (2)

  1. Renjith Pillai

    Permissions.VIEW_VOTERS_AND_WATCHERS is used for the Vote functionality of the add-on. Not for the threaded comments feature itself.

  2. DI2E Licensing

    The code in seems to break when users don't have that permission:

        public Response commentData(@QueryParam("issueid") final Long issueid)
            if (null != issueObject && permissionManager.hasPermission(Permissions.VIEW_VOTERS_AND_WATCHERS, issueObject, loggedInUser)) {

    Our commenters do not all have Permissions.VIEW_VOTERS_AND_WATCHERS, so their view shows the comments as linear rather than threaded. Can I safely change this to check for Permissions.BROWSE?

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