guest access url parameters

Issue #10 new
Thomas Vanier created an issue

Hi, This post mentions some query parameters in the guest access url. I was wondering if they are documented somewhere? I would like to embed a stripped down chat, with just the message list, input field and Send button, no header, no member list. Something like ?header=no&members=no

Comments (2)

  1. Miles Poindexter Account Deactivated

    I was surprised to see this marked trivial. This is a MAJOR need. The chat box as currently rendered is huge. Thankfully I can at least control that with the height and width options. It has an obnoxious blue Atlassian logo across the top that would clash with any site trying to use it. How do I hide it? It shows all the users in the room being used when for most use-cases this would be a show stopper, like a simple help-chat box. How do I hide that feature? It looks like (from my minimal research) your earlier version of this (2013-ish) was actually much better, and had params very similar to the ones requested here. Why did they go away? You need an optional chat box with absolutely minimal features. Chat box. Text entry box. Send button. Thats it. Oh, and How does one close the box when done??

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