minimal=1 no longer works

Issue #11 new
David Ferguson created an issue

This appears to be seriously outdated.

The two main issues that I have are the lack of ability to specify a username for the guest, and also the face that the minimal=1 GET parameter that is used to load the chat in "minimal" mode no longer works.

This means that the chat loads in full, which defeats the purpose of this plugin.

Comments (2)

  1. Glyn Walters

    I agree with this. This would be a very useful plugin for me too. If it was minimalised and allowed a username for the guest I could use it. As uniqueness is an issue, dynamically appending a counter number after a non unique username would be a better solution than not being able to identify the guest.

  2. Jascha Brinkmann

    Really sad and frustrating that this hasn't been updated in years. It makes absolutely no sense to embed the chat without a "minimal" mode.

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