Timeout on rendering 1 page of markdown

Issue #10 new
Zbigniew Tenerowicz created an issue

I copied a page worth of markdown with a table in it and got the following error to reproduce 100%

Error rendering macro 'markdown' : Error while parsing action 'Root/Sequence/ZeroOrMore/Sequence/Block/FirstOf/Table/Sequence/Optional/Sequence/NodeSequence/Sequence/ZeroOrMore/Sequence/TableRow/Sequence/OneOrMore/Sequence/TableCell/Sequence/OneOrMore/Sequence/Inline/FirstOf/NonLinkInline/StrongOrEmph/FirstOf/Emph/Sequence/FirstOf/EmphOrStrong/OneOrMore/Sequence/Inline/Inline_Action1' at input position (line 24, pos 50): {a random fragment near the end of the table}^ org.pegdown.ParsingTimeoutException

where {a random fragment near the end of the table} is a line from markdown I inserted

Is there a way to increase the timeout?

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