Feature request: load remote markdown

Issue #7 resolved
Boris Diakur created an issue

When I insert the markdown macro, I'd like to pass it a remote URL to a markdown file as an argument, so that instead of having to copy and paste the markdown code the marcro or using dirty iFrame solutions it would simply load the code from the URL given and render the HTML.

I'm not really a Java developer, though if you could point the the right spots maybe I or someone else could help you with this feature.

Comments (3)

  1. Boris Berenberg Account Deactivated

    Really glad you got this going. Not sure why I never got a notification for your initial comment :(

    Edit: Would you want to just merge the two together? That way people don't need to have both running if they want the functionality of both? With the power of 2 Boris' combined, we can accomplish anything! :D

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