New feature - manually delete a poll

Issue #1 new
Peter Brownlow created an issue

Request from Josh Devenny. A room had two identically named polls because someone closed the first one before people were finished voting. Josh would like to delete the closed poll to prevent confusion.

Comments (11)

  1. Wiktor Gancarz

    Is there an automatic deletion of the polls already in place? We seem to be retaining all polls forever.

  2. Katherine Wu Account Deactivated

    I had thought there was supposed to be when looking at but +1 to Wiktor that in practice, old polls don't seem to be deleted even a week later. I had to just uninstall/reinstall to wipe out the old polls :P (we use it for a weekly poll to pick a conference talk for playing at lunch)

  3. Caleb Sayre

    They seem to be deleting out for me after so long. We've used it the last few weeks to vote on pizza toppings and it looks like they are deleted automatically after a week.

  4. Peter Brownlow Account Deactivated reporter

    Closed polls are automatically deleted after 1 week.

    This is the behaviour that Caleb is seeing. Wiktor and Katherine, you just need to close your polls.

  5. Ziko Rajabali

    +1 to /poll delete. +1 also to Katherine - I'll be uninstalling / reinstalling regularly. We poll many things, often.

  6. Peter Brownlow Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi @potherca-dealerdirect . I'll take a look at this as soon as I can.

  7. Peter Brownlow Account Deactivated reporter

    IMPORTANT NOTICE Regretfully, changes in Polly's hosting mean that it will be shutting down in August 2017. In order to keep it running I would have to invest significant time, which I simply don't have. Thanks for using Polly, and I hope that it was useful.

  8. Peter Brownlow Account Deactivated reporter


    Polly's hosting arrangement has been saved, so you can keep polling to your hearts' content. There will be no shut-down.

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