Polls do not appear to be room specific

Issue #12 new
Kraig McConaghy created an issue

We started a poll in a private room that is not supposed to be voted on by anyone outside the room. But then someone in another room did a /poll and then he (who did not have access to the other room) was able to vote.

Comments (2)

  1. Peter Brownlow Account Deactivated


    Regretfully, changes in Polly's hosting mean that it will be shutting down in August 2017. In order to keep it running I would have to invest significant time, which I simply don't have. Thanks for using Polly, and I hope that it was useful.

  2. Peter Brownlow Account Deactivated


    Polly's hosting arrangement has been saved, so you can keep polling to your hearts' content. There will be no shut-down.

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