Uninstalling the add-on does not work

Issue #11 new
ShentOff created an issue

Hello - I did the same mistake many people did and I know now I had to install the add-on from this URL : https://prguidelines.atlassian.io

However after I removed the add-on from the "/addon-management" page it still appears somehow cached when I do pull request and I still see the same error.

If I try to install it again from the correct URL (above) - nothing changed because the wrong version of the add-on it is cached somewhere.

Any ideas?

Comments (1)

  1. Abhin Chhabra Account Deactivated

    In the first screenshot you show that there are no addons installed on your account. Can you confirm that no addons are installed on any teams that you're part of either? There should be a dropdown on top-left corner of the "manage add-ons" page that should allow you to select the team. If your PR is in a repo owned by a team, then you need to make sure that the add-on isn't installed on the team either.

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