Won't allow quoting of sections

Issue #3 resolved
Alex Rowley created an issue

When clicking the link on a PR for "Pull request guidelines" the guidelines load, but when clicking the add button next to one nothing happens. This should quote the guidelines.

Chrome version 49.0.2623.110

Warning when clicking "Pull request guidelines"

AJS's create element functionality has been deprecated since 5.9.0.No alternative will be provided. Use document.createElement() or jQuery.parseHTML(), or preferably use a templating library.

Clicking a "quote this guideline" button logs the following in the console:

Object {code: "frame_src_consumer_callback_mismatch", message: "Module URL must start with the OAuth consumer callback URL"}


Same warning as Chrome when clicking "Pull request guidelines" plus the error:

Blocked a frame with origin "https://prguidelines.useast.atlassian.io" from accessing a frame with origin "https://bitbucket.org". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.

Clicking a "quote this guideline" button shows the same message.

Unable to test with Firefox, I don't believe this to be a browser issue though.

Comments (3)

  1. Abhin Chhabra Account Deactivated

    Hi Alex,

    I think you may have installed the add-on from https://prguidelines.useast.atlassian.io. While the add-on is hosted there as well, the OAuth consumer for the prguidelines add-on uses the https://prguidelines.atlassian.io hostname.

    Can you please uninstall the add-on and then install it again from https://prguidelines.atlassian.io/ please? You should see a "Click here to start installation" button on that site.

    Please let me know if you still have trouble with the add-on.

  2. Alex Rowley reporter

    Thanks Abhin, this works correctly now. Not sure where I picked the other URL up from.

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