Clicking on "Quote this guideline" not turning to a tick icon.

Issue #4 resolved
Tibor Halasz created an issue

I've installed the Pull request guidelines plugin, linked with our repository, added the file which is rendering correctly when I click on "Pull request guidelines" on the top right in the Pull request.

When the modal opens up and I try to click on the + sign next to the L2 header, the spinning wheel for a second appearing and after the + sign comes back instead of the tick sign like on the video here:

So practically we can not tick off L2 headers on the checklist.

Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 9.49.18 AM.png

I tried to reinstall the BitBucket plugin, but same behaviour. I installed from selecting the plugin in "Find new add-ons". On an other ticket you guys suggested to install using the "" url, but when I try, get this error:

Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 9.56.18 AM.png

Comments (4)

  1. Abhin Chhabra Account Deactivated

    Hi Tibor,

    I apologize for not noticing this issue for so long. The problem is that the URL in the Bitbucket marketplace was set wrong (it was set to, when it should have been set to I have fixed the error. Could you please try to reinstall the add-on from the marketplace and let me know if that works?

    Apologies for the delayed response.

  2. Tibor Halasz reporter

    Hi Abhin, I've reinstalled and it's working correctly. This ticket can be closed. Thank you!

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