User permissions for repositories

Issue #15 new
Marcin Kwapisz created an issue

My stash client is based on version 1.6 (1.5 previously). I have implemented a few functions concerned to manipulation of user permissions on the repository level. If you want, you can take the client from our bitbucket repository ( Main changes are in the ae6eb1b3e14 commit There are no tests. I placed them in a separate project because I perform tests against our "live" Bitbucket server.


Marcin Kwapisz

Comments (3)

  1. Piotr Swiecicki

    Thanks for the suggestion, in order to get it merged into mainline repository we would need proper Pull Request raised and obviously test coverage to prevent future regressions.

  2. Marcin Kwapisz reporter

    <!--To contribute you code to the client library please: create a feature branch, change the code, add unit and/or integration tests, test it and * eventually create a pull request to review them. After our review, your feature branch will be merged into the master branch!-->

    Hi, first of all I can't create branches and pull requests here. The second problem is with the test project (stash-java-client-tests). I am not able to build it due to missing dependencies. Probably missing repository configuration or missing artifacts in it.

    Failed to execute goal on project stash-java-client-tests: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.atlassian.stash:stash-java-client-tests:atlassian-plugin:2.3.1-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: com.atlassian.bamboo:atlassian-bamboo-api:jar:, Failure to find com.atlassian.bamboo:atlassian-bamboo-api:jar: in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of AtlassianPublic has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]

    Actually, I created a new branch (2.x.x) in my repo and merged 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT with my stash-client.

    Regards Marcin

  3. Piotr Swiecicki

    I can't create branches and pull requests here.

    We rather meant contributors to fork this repository first, prepare changes in the fork and raise PR in main repository eventually. This is why you may not have permissions to create branches here, but should have permissions to create pull requests. I just updated documentation

    I am not able to build it due to missing dependencies.

    this is most likely caused by you lacking Atlassian Maven Repository configuration in your maven settings. See the documentation I just updated: hopefully it would help.

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