Tests Broken, not clear how to disable

Issue #8 new
Carl Myers created an issue

I would like to build a jar to depend upon. I do the following:

  1. git clone https://bitbucket.org/atlassianlabs/stash-java-client.git
  2. cd stash-java-client
  3. git checkout stash-java-client-1.3.9
  4. ~/path/to/atlassian-plugin-sdk/bin/atlas-mvn clean test install

I get test failures. I try to skip tests: ~/path/to/atlassian-plugin-sdk/bin/atlas-mvn clean install -DskipTests -DskipChecks

I still get test failures. Failures look like:

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] stash-java-client ................................. SUCCESS [  1.530 s]
[INFO] stash-java-client-api ............................. SUCCESS [  0.149 s]
[INFO] stash-java-client-core ............................ SUCCESS [  0.037 s]
[INFO] stash-java-client-applinks ........................ SUCCESS [  0.044 s]
[INFO] stash-java-client-httpclient ...................... SUCCESS [  0.035 s]
[INFO] stash-java-client-tests ........................... FAILURE [  0.634 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.256 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-06-23T15:10:09-08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 29M/318M

Comments (1)

  1. Carl Myers reporter

    (I assume whatever version of maven the plugin sdk comes with ought to be "sane" and work, but I am open to trying whatever. If I'm just doing something wrong, I'd advise adding better directions to the readme)

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