Upload buttons do not work on Bitbucket 5.1

Issue #16 resolved
Former user created an issue

The "Upload Logo" and "Upload Favicon" buttons do nothing on Bitbucket server 5.1.x

When loading, the config page, Chrome reports the following error in the Javascript console:

"Uncaught TypeError: b.isSupported is not a function at c.init (logo-picker-dialog.js?_statichash=2c757f3…-CDN%2F590731897%2F8d7b49d%2F24%2…:1) at new c (logo-picker-dialog.js?_statichash=2c757f3…-CDN%2F590731897%2F8d7b49d%2F24%2…:1) at HTMLDocument.b.onReady (look-and-feel-settings.js?_statichash=2c757f3…-CDN%2F590731897%2F8d7b49d%2F…:1) at j (jquery.js?_statichash=d18f13e…-CDN%2F590731897%2F8d7b49d%2F24%2Febb94057a08…:2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?_statichash=d18f13e…-CDN%2F590731897%2F8d7b49d%2F24%2Febb94057a08…:2) at Function.ready (jquery.js?_statichash=d18f13e…-CDN%2F590731897%2F8d7b49d%2F24%2Febb94057a08…:2) at HTMLDocument.I (jquery.js?_statichash=d18f13e…-CDN%2F590731897%2F8d7b49d%2F24%2Febb94057a08…:2)"

Comments (2)

  1. João Paulo Girardi Piccinini

    The same problem here.

    It seems that the page is trying to find the 'logo-picker-dialog.js' file from the original host (localhost:<port>) rather than the one configured in the application (bitbucket.<company>.com).

    Anyone knows what property the plugin is looking for to fill the host+port parameters?

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