Menu Bar font color incorrectly displayed

Issue #30 new
Kristy Hughes created an issue


Starting on Bitbucket 7.13, the behavior when the user configure a white header, using Look and fell plugin got changed. Until Bitbucket 7.12.1, when the user define the header color as white, the menu bar font color was automatically changed from light blue to black. Starting on Bitbucket 7.13, whenever the user changes the header color to white, the menu bar font color does not change and it stills showing the default light blue. This fact makes the text in the menu bar barely visible.

Users with Bitbucket customizations to match their company colors are not longer able to use such customization.


Bitbucket official docker images, from version 7.12.1 to 7.18.2

Steps to Reproduce

On Bitbucket UI, go to Administration / Find new apps. Search for {}Look and Feel for Bitbucket{}. Once the plugin is found, install it. After the plugin is installed, on Bitbucket Administration, select {}Look and feel{}. On the right panel, change the Header color to white and click {}Save{}.

Expected Results

This is an example using Bitbucket 7.12.1

Actual Results


There is no workaround other than avoid using a white header


Originally reported as BSERV-13075

Comments (2)

  1. Normann P. Nielsen

    We are also facing issues, the selected menu item becomes dark blue… our header color is a medium blue..

    Unfortunately, image upload (to this comment) does not work…

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