Composer installation error

Issue #13 closed
André Fischer created an issue

I'm running a clean install of Laravel 4, updated today.

I added this to my composer.json, in the "require" section:

"atticmedia-anvard": "*",

When running composer update, I get: - The requested package atticmedia-anvard could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.

I also tried with "atticmedia-anvard": "dev-master", to no avail...

Comments (4)

  1. André Fischer reporter

    Argh! I didn't see that the documentation on the front page is wrong: It should say atticmedia/anvard and not atticmedia-anvard... I corrected that, and got it installed. But updating the doc might be an idea... ;)

  2. Peter Olson

    There are all sorts of errors you can get... I've found most of them could be b/c of the minimum stability option. Here is what I put in my readme (see my 4.1 update pull request)

    Option 1: You may need to add the below to composer:

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "prefer-stable": true

    Option 2: Instead of the above step, you could add "hybridauth/hybridauth": "2.*@dev" to composer.json if you don't want to change your full projects minimum-stability (this is what I do).

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