
Issue #6 resolved
Former user created an issue

After setting everything up and going to {url}/anvard/facebook I get the following error:

The user is saved tho.

Comments (6)

  1. Maurice Hofman

    After researching i found that this probably has something to do with saving the profile to the database.

    In my situation i can login (with facebook), but then i got the 'Provider' error. But when i look in my database, it has stored the user correctly in the users table. But it did not save a profile.

    So when i created a profile myself, with user_id linking to the user, and i set the identiefer and other options correctly (wich i got from an object dump, when i used this: tutorial, with that little script for testing, login worked), the script worked. With Auth::check in laravel ,i was able to see that i was logged in.

    So, i think the user profile is not being saved somehow. I don`t know how to fix this..

  2. Abban Dunne

    This is an issue with your Profile model. Add a $fillable attribute to the class:

    protected $fillable = array('provider', 'user_id');
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