BWTA::getGroundDistance2(tilePos1, tilePos2) always returns -1

Issue #10 resolved
Krasimir Krastev created an issue

BWTA::getGroundDistance() seems to work fine. It has been like this for maybe a year now... Am I missing something when using BWTA::getGroundDistance2()?

Comments (16)

  1. Alberto Uriarte repo owner

    Did you call buildChokeNodes() after analyzing the map? It is needed to generate the cache data.

  2. Krasimir Krastev reporter

    Following your advice, I've got it to work. Thanks! :) But now it seems like the method sometimes crashes, e.g. for tilePos1 {x=28 y=116 }
    tilePos2 {x=69 y=122 } on the map Destination.

    Additionally, I don't understand why getGroundDistance(), i.e. the original method returns -1 for the following distances: + tilePos1 {x=32 y=97 } + tilePos2 {x=48 y=64 } again on the same map. Both positions are definitely connected and seem walkable. Any clue?

  3. Alberto Uriarte repo owner

    tilePos(28,116) is a non walkable tile (only a few pixels are walkable, so it is considered as a non walkable tile), hence the result for both functions getGroundDistance() and getGroundDistance2() is "correct".

    For the distance between (32,97) and (48,64) I have correct results on both functions

    • getGroundDistance(): 1344
    • getGroundDistance2(): 1523
  4. Alberto Uriarte repo owner

    Uops, btw I fixed to no to crash when the tile doesn't belong to a region (ie. is non walkable), so now tilePos(28,116) shouldn't crash ;)

  5. Krasimir Krastev reporter

    @auriarte Thanks for taking the time to investigate the issue! :)

    The crash fix of getGroundDistance2() seems to work!

    For the distance between (32,97) and (48,64) I get the same result with getGroundDistance2(): 1523, but getGroundDistance() still returns -1 and I can't figure out why (I can't link the Debug version with my bot for some reason...).

    BWTA.lib is compiled in Release with all optimizations on. Additionally, I am attaching the map in question in case we're using different versions...


  6. Alberto Uriarte repo owner

    You can try a couple of things:

    • Re-analyze the map (just to be sure)
    • Run the OfflineTester project to see if you still have the error in the test environment.
    • If you still have the error run the OfflineTester in Debug mode
    • If not... try to link your bot to BWTA Debug (BWTAd.lib). What is exactly your error?
  7. Krasimir Krastev reporter

    You won't believe how stupid the bug was!!! Lol.

    After debugging lasting more than half a day, I finally found out that the root cause was a neutral bear in the middle of the map at the start of the game which causes some Build Tiles to be marked as unwalkable. Since they're unwalkable, getGroundDistance() returns -1. My fix ( is to only consider non-movable neutral units in such cases.

    Now, the next question is whether any neutral units (even the non-movable) should mark a position unwalkable. What do you think? I guess the answer is no?

  8. Alberto Uriarte repo owner

    What? I hate neutral units!!!

    Only the undestroyable non-movable neutral units should mark a position as unwalkable (we are already doing that). Uff, now that I see this is "old" code, I should refactor to C++11 all the library :P

    Thanks for catching the bug!!!

  9. Krasimir Krastev reporter

    That's a good point about the destructibility. I've added that condition as well, so now, only units that are both indestructible and non-movable are considered

  10. Krasimir Krastev reporter

    Wrt ti C++11, BWTA also compiles with VC140 (VS 2015), so most of C++14 can be used, too

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