getGroundDistance bug

Issue #2 resolved
Krasimir Krastev created an issue

I have now found a very strange bug in the original BWTA. The A* ground distance from BWAPI::TilePosition(BWAPI::Position(3079, 2926)), BWAPI::TilePosition(BWAPI::Position(3104, 2592)) is -2147483648 int I.e. outside the int bounds... This is on map Andromeda. Does BWTA2 version have this bug? I can't test it personally as I've got only VS 2013 and can't compile it myself. Still waiting for the VS 2013 upgrade ;) The map is here:

Comments (2)

  1. Alberto Uriarte repo owner

    Looks like this bug has been fixed during the migration to BWTA2. I tested and it returns 332.8. So we are good 😄

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