revid: var names for vertical and horizontal video flipping are different to naming in config.

Issue #168 resolved
Saxon Milton created an issue

The var names for vertical and horizontal flipping are VerticalFlip and HorizontalFlip respectively, but the config names are FlipVertical and FlipHorizontal respectively. We should probably go with VerticalFlip and HorizontalFlip for the config field names to be more consistent (this way we’re also more consistent with the raspivid flags of vflip and hflip).

Comments (4)

  1. Alan Noble

    Agreed, but also accept the old names for a while for backwards compatibility (until we can change all of the NetReceiver configs.).

  2. Saxon Milton reporter

    I’m keeping the names that we are currently using as vars; it’s more consistent with raspivid, so easier to remember, and also means we don’t need to worry about updating netreceiver 🙂

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