av/device: AVDevice Flags method

Issue #189 resolved
Alan Noble created an issue

AVDevice implementations should be responsible for creating their own command-line flag vars, not their callers. In fact, strictly speaking, only the implementations need know what flags are acceptable to them.

Code such as the following:

exposurePtr         = flag.String("Exposure", "auto", "Set exposure mode. ("+strings.Join(raspivid.ExposureModes[:], ",")+")")
autoWhiteBalancePtr = flag.String("Awb", "auto", "Set automatic white balance mode. ("+strings.Join(raspivid.AutoWhiteBalanceModes[:], ",")+")")

becomes simply:


Flags would create a FlagSet.

Callers then call Flags and Parse for each device package they intend to use. If Flags returns *FlagSet, then Parse() can be called, e.g.,:


An advantage of this approach is that each device has direct access to command-line flags and can configure itself accordingly.


Different devices may use the name flag names.

Comments (4)

  1. Alan Noble reporter

    Can we revisit moving the processing of flags from revid to AVDevice implementations@Saxon Milton ?

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