mts: create functions for extracting AFC, DI and setting DI

Issue #357 resolved
Trek Hopton created an issue

It would be useful to have functions for extracting Adaptation Field Control (AFC) and Discontinuity Indicator (DI) from a byte slice representing a packet, just like we do for extracting the PID. Also a function to set the DI of a packet would be useful.

This would be specifically useful for this iotsvc issue.

Comments (2)

  1. Trek Hopton reporter

    It has been suggested that instead of creating our own functions, we should use comcast’s functionality since it is tested. Initially I thought it would be sub-optimal due to it using arrays which would require the packets to be copied before the values are extracted, but using unsafe.Pointer we don;t have to copy. In Go 1.17 there should be an update which removes the unsafe requirement, when that is released we can look at doing that instead. See PR #461 for discussion.

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