Add additional Revid variables to Turbidity Sensnor

Issue #381 new
Russell Stanley created an issue

The TurbiditySensnor has additional parameters which can be modified to modify the performance of the sensor. Currently, the TransformMatrix is the only variable that can be modified in the cloud via VidGrind and it would be beneficial to update all of these variables via the cloud at some point.

The other variables are as follows

  • k1, k2 - Defines the cell size to use when calculating the sharpness and contrast.
  • filterSize - The size of the Sobel filter applied for the sharpness calculation. A smaller size will result in a sharper edge definition
  • scale - Describes the amount of scaling to apply to the resultant Sobel image after filtering.
  • alpha - Constant value in the contrast equation

See the water clarity guide for more details as well as default values.

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